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4. Tap (Austerity) Riddhi

The Miraculous Power by which one can practice the toughest and the greatest levels of Austerity is known as Tap Riddhi.

There are a total 7 types of Tap Riddhis that are possessed by Jain Saints (Riddhi-dhaari muni) as below:

1. Ugra Tap
2. Dipt Tap
3. Tapt Tap
4. Maha Tap
5. Ghor Tap
6. Ghor parakram
7. Aghorbrahmacharitva

From Paramarshi Swasti Mangal Vidhaan

दीप्तं च तप्तं च तथा महोग्रं, घोरं तपो घोर पराक्रमस्थाः
ब्रह्मापरं घोर गुणाश्चरन्तः, स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥८॥

दीप्ति, तप्त, महाउग्र, घोर तप, और घोर पराक्रम, के तथा अघोर-ब्रह्मचर्य इन सात तप ऋद्धि के धारी मुनिराज हमारा कल्याण करें ।

  1. Ugra Tap Riddhi

The saints possessing Ugra Tap are of 2 types:

  1. Ugrogratap Riddhi Dharak
  2. Avasthit Ugratap Riddhi Dharak

1. Ugrogratap Riddhi Dharak

The great Jain Saints possessing this Riddhi does Upvaas (fast) in below way:

Day 1. Upvaas
Day 2. Parna
Day 3,4. Upvaas
Day 5. Parna
Day 6,7,8. Upvaas
Day 9. Parna
Day 10,11,12,13. Upvaas
Day 14. Parna
Day 15,16,17,18,19. Upvaas
Day 20. Parna

They continue this Ugratap for their whole lifespan

In other words, they do 1 Upvaas, then next day Parna; then 2 days Upvaas; and then Parna; and increase one day of Parna after Upvaas... And continuously keep incrementing it for their whole lifespan!

2. Avasthit Ugratap Riddhi Dharak

The great Jain Saints possessing this Riddhi does Upvaas in the below way

Day 1: Upvaas
Day 2: Parna
Day 3: Upvaas
Day 4: Parna
Day 5: Upvaas

One day, by some nimitt (external factor/reason); the saint does 2 Upvaas in a row. Then, from now onwards; the saint will continue his Tap as 2 Upvaas and 1 Parna.

Day 6: Upvaas
Day 7: Parna
Day 8,9. Upvaas
Day 10. Parna
Day 11,12: Upvaas

Now, once again due to some nimitt; the saint does 3 Upvaas in a row. Then, from no onwards; he will continue his Tap as 3 Upvaas and 1 Parna. So,

Day 13: Upvaas
Day 14: Parna
Day 15,16,17: Upvaas

And so on. This number of Upvaas always keeps on increasing.

Unlike, Ugrogra Ugra Tap; in Avasthit Ugra Tap Riddhi the Tap (austerity) of the saint increases in a constant manner. This is being followed for their whole life-span! The great Jain Saints use these Riddhis to cut their time wasted due to Aahar (Bhojan) and delve more and more into the bliss of the soul by doing penance.

  1. Ghor Tap Riddhi

It is the miraculous power of the soul by which the great Jain Saints can perform Tap (austerity) even if the body is affected from painful and deadly diseases.

  1. Ghor Parakram Tap Riddhi

It is the miraculous power of the soul; due to extreme austerity; the great Jain Saints possess unparalleled strength; enough to destroy the 3 worlds; to make severe falls of fire, smoke, rocks, meteorites etc. and vigour enough to dry the entire ocean!


Still, the saints possessing these strengths don't use for their selfish motives and wants. The reason is they are (almost) free from any aversions or delusions of the worldly materials! Why would they even have the thought of changing something else? They are so dived into their ownself; that these worldly powers seem meaningless to them!

  1. Aghor Brahmacharya Riddhi

It is the miraculous power by which there are no heinous crimes, theft etc., no wars or droughts, pandemics etc. in the area where the saint resides.

  1. Dipt Riddhi

It is the miraculous power of the soul that due to the great austerities in the form of different Upvaas; the body of the great Jain Saints emit bright light rays as of the Sun!

  1. Tapt Riddhi

It is the miraculous power of the soul by which the food that is taken by great Jain Saints gets annihilated and completely dissipated (like the vaporization of water droplets falling on a extremely hot iron pan) inside along with all the bodily fluids; resulting into no need to undergo excretion from the body, reason being the food produced no waste inside.

  1. Mahatap Riddhi

The great Jain Saints who performs the supreme of the supreme Tap; and are ones who attain all 7 types of Tap Riddhis are known as Mahatap Riddhi dhari Muniraj.